In our core industry, financial services, we have collaborated with our customers on numerous projects. Our project work concentrates on tangible success for our customers.

In the financial services industry, we have provided the following customers (among others) with first-class realisation results combined with a down-to-earth approach:

Cooperative Banks

Bundesverband der deutschen Volksbanken und Raifeisenbanken e. V. (BVR)
Erfurter Bank eG
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft eG
Geraer Bank eG
Raiffeisenbank Auerbach-Freihung eG
Volksbank Bad Oeynhausen-Herford eG
Volksbank Dreieich eG
Volksbank Leipzig eG
Volksbank Saaletal eG
Volksbank Strohgäu eG
VR- Bank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden eG
VR-Bank Fichtelgebirge eG
VR-Bank Memmingen eG
VR-Bank Rhein-Sieg eG
VR-Bank Westthüringen eG